Saturday, November 24, 2012

State Russian Musuem

I was again faced with the decision as to what I was going to do this Friday afternoon.  The reason it is such a decision is because it is the only day that after lunch I go out on the town and do things.  Monday through Thursday I am preparing for the classes that I will be teaching that day.  That and I don’t want to be in the middle of town and then not make it back in time to teach.  That would be really bad.
Today I wasn't interested in what the other teachers were doing and so it looked like I was going to spend the afternoon alone again.  I was going to go to the Hermitage again but then I remembered that I wanted to go to the State Russian Museum.  So I asked Jessica where it was and then I went.  I was waiting around the Pushkin Statue and there were the people dressed up in costumes so that you can take a picture with them.  I was working things out with Katie and stuck around there too long.  They targeted to and talked to me and asked to take my picture with them.  Long story short.  I got my picture taken with the lady.  She said that it would be 100 rubles.  Well I didn’t have 100 rubles.  I had 1050.  We took the picture and then when I went to pay them I said that I didn’t have 100.  They weren’t going to take my 1000 because they didn’t have change and so they ‘gave me a gift’ and only charged me 50 rubles.  Ha!  Think you can swindle me.  Didn’t work.  At least not like it was supposed to, and I still got the picture.

The Barge Haulers
I really liked the State Russian Museum.  Though the Winter Palace is more detail and intricate than the Mikhailovsky Palace I think I would say that I liked the State Russian Museum better than the Hermitage.  There were still some cool floors and the ceilings were awesome.  The other thing that I liked about the Russian Museum was that the paintings were HUGE!  There were some that took up entire walls.  20 feet tall and 50 feet wide!!  It was incredible.  I don’t know very many paintings but there was one that I did remember.  The painting was “The Barge Haulers” by Ilya Repin.  There was one more that looked familiar but I didn’t know where I saw it before.

The one I wondered where I had seen it

Use the lady in the picture as a scale as to how big this painting was
I also liked in the Russian Museum the exhibition “folk art.”  There were a ton of regional Russian art pieces.  There were toys made from bone and wood carvings.  There were also many pieces of pottery and ceramics.

Wood Combs

The other exhibit that I really liked was “Art from the end of the 19th and 20th Century Art.”  There were a bunch of modern art pieces and some older pieces.  There were realistic pieces, abstract, and everything in between.

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