Wednesday, September 26, 2012


It is definitely a skill to find something that the kids will have fun with.  Then to have all the kids to be having fun is even that much harder.  For me this includes the little boy that “doesn’t know how to walk.”  But the last couple days I have seen the kids more happy than they have been in the past.  So what that means is that I need to continue doing these activities but find little ways to change them so that the kids don’t just come and do the same thing every day.
One of the things that I did do was play bowling.  Now this kid didn’t hit all of the pins but that wasn’t important to him.  He just wanted to hit the pins and he was so happy when he did.  You can just see the fun and excitement bursting from him.

Then there is Tyoma.  Every single day he has come to my class he is always crying.  Always.  He is always asking where is mom and dad.  But on this day he started out crying but then we started bowling and he cheered right up.  He really liked knocking down the cups.  He even helped me a couple times pick up the cups. But it was super awesome to not see him upset.
Then for level 2 which is elementary I have a favorite kid I think.  His name is Arseny.  First of all I really like his name.  It’s cool.  Plus he is pretty smart and does pretty well in English.  The other kids are pretty good also.  The other two boys in the picture whose names are both Yegor are both troublemakers.  Yegor on the left is super smart and gets bored with what we are doing and so then he acts out.  Then the other Yegor likes to make sound effects.  If there are fat illustrations then he is the first to point them out and then make a sound effect for them.  Yegor loves to make sound effects for verbs, especially the violent ones.

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